COVID-19 Remote Patient Monitoring Fund

The COVID-19 Action Fund rapidly established remote patient monitoring for those in our community with underlying health conditions, including respiratory conditions, diabetes, heart conditions and patients with compromised immune systems.
The fund enabled us to purchase and distribute devices to monitor heart rate, temperature, blood oxygen levels and breathing rates in our vulnerable patients in their own homes. Hand held communication devices were also distributed to those who did not have video calling capabilities in order to keep in contact with their healthcare professionals.
After being taught how to use the devices, patients were monitored remotely by their healthcare professionals, ensuring advice and support were easily accessed and vulnerable patients were kept safe and well in their homes and out of hospital unless absolutely necessary.
The project was led by Waitematā DHB’s Institute for Innovation and Improvement (i3) who worked to distribute the devices and resources to services that needed them the most.
The team are also currently working to obtain a software product that will remotely monitor patients’ health information and are piloting the software with renal and heart patients. If successful, the service will be offered to patients with other chronic conditions, such as diabetes and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD). The product could also be used to monitor COVID-19 if required.
“The gift of the monitoring equipment has enabled patients to receive care that they otherwise would not have had, and we are building on this experience to deliver a higher standard in the future.” Barbara Corning-Davis i3, Waitematā DHB
COVID-19 most severely impacts the elderly and those with underlying health conditions. This Action Fund supports the expert efforts of our local health services as they develop targeted responses for the most vulnerable in our community
– Tim Edmonds, CEO, Well Foundation
When my doctors told me I could go home early to be with her, because of the remote monitoring equipment, I was thrilled. I can be with my wife at home and will feel safe knowing that I can monitor my condition myself.
– Manu, Patient
Our impact is only made possible through the following incredibly generous organisations: