North Shore Hospital Whānau Accommodation Centre
For some patients, being admitted to hospital can cause feelings of isolation from whānau and friends. Research shows that patient distress is positively impacted by whānau being close by to offer support, for some whānau this is not an option if accommodation facilities are not offered onsite.
Waiho i te toipoto, kaua i te toiroa
Let us keep close together, not far apart
The Waitematā DHB Maori Health team works with Maori patients and their whānau when they need to access hospital services. This includes coordinating whānau accommodation, providing social, cultural and advocacy services and working with DHB clinicians and other DHB staff to ensure that services are responsive to the needs of Maori Health gain. When capacity allows, the offer of accommodation for whānau of patients is available to all and prioritised based on need.
Current whānau accommodation at North Shore Hospital requires an upgrade to meet the needs of our patient families in supporting their loved ones and to support the important work of our Maori health teams. A new building, housing upgraded and expanded whānau accommodation and work space for our Maori Health teams, is about to start construction on the hospital campus, adjacent to Shakespeare Road.
This new Whānau Accommodation centre will mean that a larger number of families can support their loved ones while they are in hospital. Importantly, it provides whānau with a modern, comfortable, environment that allows them to spend more time supporting their loved one. It also provides opportunities for the Maori health team to connect with whanau and make arrangements for their on-going care after leaving hospital.
The facility will also allow Waitematā DHB to demonstrate manaakitanga, aroha and awhi, which aligns with the vision of the service and DHB values while also supporting a more effective whānau centred model of care.
Construction costs are being fully funded by Waitematā DHB and Well Foundation are now seeking Gift-in-Kind and funds to provide the furniture fit-out of the ground floor whānau accommodation.
For more information on this project or any other work that we do, contact info@wellfoundation.org.nz
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